You are here: American 青瓜视频 College of Arts & Sciences Psychology Conditioned Taste Aversion Complete Listing
- Author(s)
- Aonuma H; Totani Y; Kaneda M; Nakamura R; Watanabe T; Hatakeyma D; Dyakonova VE; Lukowiak K; Ito E
- Title
- Effects of 5-HT and insulin on learning and memory formation in food-deprived snails
- Year
- 2018
- Journal
- Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
- Vol/Iss
- Vol 148
- Page(s)
- 20-29
- Abstract/URL
- Keywords
- Conditioned taste aversion; food-deprivation;feeding; insulin; Lymnaea; serotonin
- Reprint
- Yes
- Reference Type
- CTA Article ID
- 3956